No-fly zone over Libya
It is unbelievable that the West is being prodded to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. This is an Arab and an African issue. Why are not the Arabs and the Africans enforcing it? It is not because they don't have the resources; it's the will that is missing! The Arab League, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and African Union are all lame duck organisations that provide high-profile jobs to favourites who will guarantee the security of their patrons and vested interests, not the interests of the ordinary citizen, the poor and the downtrodden. This is not a recent phenomenon. The Palestine and Kashmir issues are still burning!
The Arab League and GCC have met several times since the hostilities began but remained typically indecisive. This is a regional Arab issue and must be tackled as such but requires leadership and courage!