Loopholes of law
At the very outset, I apologise to the readers for my attempt to offer my opinion in this column on the captioned subject as a layman.
The opinion is offered not because I'm concerned with any particular law, but because I'm painfully concerned with the twisting of it by some vested quarter or interest group to help a criminal escape, as if, it is an order of the day.
By all means, the lawyers are generally expected to call a spade a spade and not mix their otherwise smart interpretation of the law and find fault or loophole to save a real culprit from legitimate charge or charges against him.
I need not mention here the names of those known to all. They are none but high profiles that include former ministers, political leaders with their party chiefs, the former prime ministers, big businessmen, top government officials who are now undergoing trial.
Now, in the absence of any valid or supporting documents, some of them may escape through the loopholes of the law. In my opinion, if these people accused of corruption go unpunished, nothing good will happen to the country. Rather, it would become worse than what it was before.