Dhanmondi Club new inclusion
Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club got approval from the Bangladesh League committee to play in the country's professional competition.
The committee has unanimously decided in a meeting held yesterday that a total of twelve teams will compete in this year's league where big-budgeted Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club would be the only newcomers.
"A total of thirteen clubs took part in last year's competition out of which two -- Sylhet Beanibazar Club and Narayanganj's Shuktara Club -- had been relegated. The committee has decided to include another team and we thought that Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club is the fittest among the applicants," informed Al Musabbir Sadi, general secretary of the Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF).
"Uattar Baridhara and Bangladesh Boys Club were the other two applicants but Dhanmondi Club fulfilled most of the conditions. They are financially solvent to run the team and are going to spend three crore taka. They also have a very strong management committee whose members have experience in football," he added.
Sadi also said that they turned down plea from the two relegated teams who wanted to continue their participation in the competition.
Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club have reportedly confirmed 16 local footballers and most of the players the club confirmed are from Bangladesh League champions Abahani and Federation Cup champions Mohammedan Sporting Club.
The player's transfer window will be held between September 1 to 20 while the foreign players can do transfer through the internet till October 15 as BFF are already following FIFA's transfer matching system.
In another move, the league committee has decided that all the clubs must appoint a B-licensed coach instead of a C-licensed coach in this season.
The season will be start sometimes in the second week of October but BFF is yet to finalise which tournament will be held first.