Income tax
This is in reference to your Star Business Report dated 9 July, 2010, regarding Hon Finance Minister's explanation for the deduction of income tax on Jatio Sanchay Patra. In his explanation he clarified the position that Sanchay Patra that matured before 1 July this year will not be applicable for income tax deduction. In this respect I would now like to draw the kind attention of the Hon. Finance Minister through your column that the relevant quarters in practice are not abiding by what has been explained in the said star report in the absence of any directive issued to them. As a result, our sufferings know no bound.
May I therefore, expect that necessary orders are issued early so that we do not continue to suffer any longer. The statement given in the press needs to be substantiated by an administrative action to be followed. Else, we the general public must lose the confidence on the performance of our government.