Top-heavy governance
Successive elected political regimes introduce new styles of governing the country. Now we have too many Advisors and Deputy Ministers. One reason is to provide a helping hand to raw heads at the top levels.
Even the PM has too many Advisors. The obvious question arises: what is the difference between a Minister and an Advisor? On paper, the definitions are laid down, but how it works in day a day dealings? This has to be made clear to the citizens.
As a developing nation in the Third World, we have to be economical in daily procedures and processing; avoiding top-heavy administration, with less pen-pushing. The government offices have to be more field-oriented; and have more contacts with the public; especially in the rural areas. The political speeches do not tell us about the bureaucratic details and delays; but try to keep us turned to the political overtones of the regime.
There is a counterpoint: does delegation of power raise the graft level? The concept of decentralization needs more public debates, especially in the LDCs. Of course there are ad hoc, specialists' committees to analyse the pros and cons of a project. For coordination, reviews, analyses and reduction of communication gaps, meetings of various agencies are needed, from time to time.
We have an expensive parliament (JS) of 300 Members, but notice how it is contributing to the welfare of the people. We get a lot of reminders on the practice of democracy, but it all evaporates quickly!