Political leaders and rural development
What kind of political leaders do we need for development of rural areas in Bangladesh to achieve MDGs? Most of the people live in rural areas with inadequate healthcare facilities, lack of modern education system or limited access to scientific knowledge. Rural children are suffering from malnourishment, women are not empowered with education, health and regular income. Rural business community cannot make sustainable profit due to poor infrastructure and "just in time" relevant information.
Adult men and women from the rural areas are migrating mainly to the metropolitan cities in order to get low-paid jobs with various risks involved. Much of the international support to improve quality of life of rural population did not fully reach the target group due to reasons unfolded in the media these days.
a) How long will this present pattern persist/continue?
b) How can we change the present rural condition?
c) What kind of political leaders can bring a change for the betterment of them?
The recent developments in Bangladesh have taught us like never before, the need of having the right person at the right position at all levels, national and local. We find hope to see the able, honest and hardworking team of Chief Adviser Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed at the national level.
The practice of so-called democracy in the past years, nomination of unworthy lawmakers, running of the country by corrupt political parties brutally killed the objective of our liberation war. Thanks to the intervention of our armed forces, the people, the rural people in particular, have found their lost paradise!
Though, our problems are huge in magnitude and complexities, our resources are scarce, our human capacity is weak, still I believe it is possible to address the rural problems with the right kind of leadership and strategies. We need politicians with:
a) Vision, experience and wisdom of working with rural people to address local problems to create an enabling environment.
b) Ability, motivation to work hard and work full time, with local people during and after election period, to identify local problems and to create necessary resources for appropriate solutions to existing problems.
We certainly cannot afford:
a) Lawyers, businessmen who take politics as a part-time activity.
b) People who are in politics because of their family connections.
c) Politicians who keep the people divided and enjoy ruling in an environment of conflict, fear & terror.
Let us all dream and act for a better rural living. A better rural life is essential for peaceful living in the cities.