Netanyahu's arrogance
After reading this article, I found myself extremely sympathetic with the Palestinian cause. The gesture of the Israeli Prime Minister was childish at best and I can't believe a man with such a high international position would stoop to such low levels.
I agree with the writer, Mahmood Hasan, one-hundred percent. The severity of this action goes much further than just feelings of anger, because the area is so explosive. This conflict goes back thousands of years and even though a couple of peace talks are not going to create a solution this type of behaviour helps no one.
As an American college student I have been privy to both sides of this horrible conflict. Most information given or taught has shown the Israelis as the victim, but I am not naïve, nor do I accept everything I am told, I know there is always two sides to a story. The further your research history, the rights/ownership to the area switches back and forth and is extremely difficult to assign territories to one group. Unfortunately, I had always perceived the Palestinians as the instigators of military/physical conflict, but after reading this article I can clearly see the distinct non-compliance from the Israelis.
The implications of Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions are extreme, severe, and may change the future of this conflict. By insulting the one country who has backed you for decades is a huge slap in the face for the United States, adding to their non-compliance by the annexation of east Jerusalem. Taking action against Israel would obviously hurt the Israelis and I would hope strengthen the positive attitude towards the USA from the Palestinians. This is what I am truly hoping, for our nations have very rich and interesting histories that can prosper with a strong alliance.
Personally, I hope Obama severely punishes Netanyahu. Without talks there will only be violence, which only pushes forward progress further away. There has been enough suffering and death over this matter and I hope for the sake of Israelis and Palestinians alike there can be a mutually beneficial conclusion to the problem. Having said this Netanyahu must be disciplined for such malcontent, displaying these actions will not be tolerated and will be penalized.