Published on 12:00 AM, March 05, 2017


Health benefits of ridge gourd

Ridge gourd or sponge gourd is popularly known as 'Jhinga' in Bangladesh. Biologically ridge gourd is referred to as Luffa acutangula. It is a ridged and dark green vegetable with white pulp inside.

The taste of the vegetable resembles zucchinis. The ridge gourd has some amazing health benefits and is a great source of medicinal properties. Some of the health benefits are listed below.

•             Ridge gourd is extremely rich in dietary fibre and enriched with all the vital elements that include Vitamin-C, zinc, iron, riboflavin, magnesium, thiamine and traces of another minerals.

•             It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories that aids in weight loss.

•             Ridge gourd contains good amount of cellulose and high in water content that helps to relieve from constipation.

•             It contains insulin like peptides and alkaloids that helps to reduce the sugar levels in the blood and urine.

•             It is high in beta-carotene which is good for enhancing eye sight.

•             Ridge gourd acts effective in purifying blood. It boosts up and nourishes the liver health and protects the liver from alcohol intoxication.

•             Ridge gourd juice is used to heal jaundice and to strengthen your immune system against any infection.

•             It is good for skin care, as the blood purifying qualities in it ensures you to stay clear from pimples and acne.

•             Ridge gourd helps to manage acidity as well as ulcers. It is well known as a cooling agent and aids in handling burning sensation during urination.