De-stressing with yoga
Yoga releases tension in muscles through stretching: Yoga uses techniques to lengthen, stretch and relax muscles while simultaneously working with your breath.
Enhances intake of oxygen to blood through breathing: Breathing techniques involved in yoga are very effective in improving the oxygen consumption in the body.
Causes release of endorphins: The endorphins are the body's natural painkillers and are extremely useful in relieving overall physical pains and aches.
Improves restful sleeping: A new study indicates that yoga can help to improve sleep among people suffering from chronic insomnia.
Relieves the mind from whirling thoughts and feelings that feed anxiety: Yoga helps to access an inner strength that allows to face the sometimes-overwhelming fears, frustrations, and challenges of everyday life.
The write-up is compiled by Shazia Omar, a yoga instructor. E-mail: [email protected]