Flying car spreads its wings
Mankind's primordial dream of flight is taking off with a new twist as a Slovak prototype of a flying car spreads its wings.
Inspired by the dreamy books about flying by French authors Jules Verne and Antoine de Saint Exupery, Slovak designer and engineer Stefan Klein has been honing his flying machine since the early 1990s. Klein has designed cars for BMW, Volkswagen and Audi.
His elegant blue-and-white vehicle for two is six metres (20 feet) long so it fits neatly in a parking space or a garage and tanks up at any filling station. But once it reaches an airport it can unfold its wings within seconds becoming a plane.
Dubbed "the world's prettiest and best-designed airborne automobile so far" by US aviation magazine Flying and design, an innovation website, the Aeromobil also has the distinction of originating in Slovakia, the world's largest per-capita car producer.