Fight climate change by reducing carbon emissions
A new report by IPCC (Inter governmental Panel on Climate Change) states that unchecked climate change will escalate the likelihood of severe and irreversible impacts on people and ecosystem. It establishes the fact that there are massive shifts in land and ocean ecosystems and our efforts to reduce the climate change are not enough.
The most important lesson to learn from this report is the need to address this issue following a comprehensive approach. Climate change has adverse effects in all countries even in the developed nations. It also breaks the myth that climate action is costly. Our inaction is far more threatening. It is crucial for us to understand the current situation of climate change. The report states that carbon emissions will ultimately have to fall to zero. Moreover, global poverty can only be alleviated by halting global warming. The report also makes clear that carbon emissions, mainly from burning coal, oil and gas, are currently rising to record high levels, not falling. It is very alarming because the world can probably adapt to up to 2 degree Celsius temperature rise. But if temperature rises by 4 degree Celsius, then we will be in grave danger. To minimise carbon emissions, we need strong political will and must work together with other nations.
Anika Tasneem
East West University