UNSC meeting on Myanmar
We are happy that the Security Council has at last come out on Myanmar and the Rohingyas, and we are equally glad to see that everyone of its members is on board the Council's call on Myanmar to stop violence immediately, particularly China who has so far resisted all efforts by the international body to pass stricture or censure the country for its pervasive and consistent persecution of a minority community.
It is for the first time that the Council had agreed on any kind of statement on Myanmar in nine years. Obviously, absence of any kind of international response to hold Myanmar accountable for its appalling treatment of Rohingyas for so long has given the rulers in Naypyidaw the feeling of impunity.
The call of the world body comes in tandem with the demand of the 27 internationally eminent personalities including 12 Nobel Laureates to take appropriate action to end violence in Rakhine State. However, we feel that the reaction of the UN cannot be restricted to merely making a call on the Myanmar rulers. A definitive time-bound action is called for and which the UN must ensure the Myanmar government implements. And the time-bound action should ensure fulfillment of three things.
Firstly, persecution of the Rohingyas must cease forthwith. Secondly, the Rohingyas must be taken back immediately and for which necessary conditions must be created for them to return. The government of Myanmar must guarantee complete safety and security of these people once they return. And thirdly, but equally importantly, action must be initiated without any procrastination to implement the recommendations of the Annan Commission Report.
Without these caveats, the call will remain only an open-ended, meaningless proposition.