Death of an Opportunity
Abroad he died
Away from home she cried
Rare, but emotions she could not hide
Yet, the blockade they said could not be defied
In many places shops did not abide
And vehicles too plied
Yet the destruction was not nullified
She took the ride
To meet her she tried
Emotions she did not want to hide
Dubbed 'crocodile tears' in comments so snide
Meanwhile,petrol bombs on buses were being applied
Charred were the bodies inside
The innocent, even children were being crucified
Amidst the smell of carbon dioxide
Not the dead, but the living cried
Whom will they chide?
About any wrong-doing, they denied
Some say they lied
Killers they were was as clear as print on bromide
Such inhuman burning how long will the common man bide?
As the entourage moved through roads then seemingly wide
Towards the office that was earlier with security tied
People were unified
Their hopes too had reasonably skied
In wanting that the two should sit side by side
Shed tears as sisters in a divide
But, alas, for ego they vied
Some confide
There were many gathered in and outside
For comfort on injection they relied
To dispense so, who was the aide that much qualified?
The gate was shut under lock and pride
It would not swing or slide
The deranged, they continue to deride
Was it the game plan of the allied?
Explanations came forth in language codified
Which could not be independently verified
One suspects from the leader,leadership they pried
A setting for an epic meeting they could not provide
But then politics for long has been one-eyed
The nation was mortified
The matter could have been simplified
The gate could have been set aside
Unwell she is, grieving,they could have again notified
So,please have a seat and in the condolence book write
Your prayers, pray they be bonafide
She could have spent some time in silencemagnified
The departed soul would thus be dignified
But, the gate was shut under lock and pride
It would not swing or slide
And with that an opportunity, even if half, died