Comments on news report
“Pakistani website first uploaded it,” published on February 19, 2014
Jamaat-Shibir, one way or another, is linked with other terrorist groups across the world. This is well proven through the PTT's threat to BD consulate in Pakistan just after Quader Mollah's execution. The government should strictly handle the matter.
A true story has one version! Something fishy is going on here!
Maybe the whole thing is a hoax and the government has possibly planned it to divert people's attention from other issues.
“A response to 'The caravan must move on'” (February 18, 2014)
Thank you, Mr. Karim, for your bold write-up. I salute you for your courage and calling a spade a spade without fear or favour.
I am surprised to see this published; the author makes very compelling points and unveils the intellectual dishonesty of the original article under review. Kudos to The Daily Star for its relative openness in publishing the piece.
Hospital manager performs surgery! (February 19, 2014)
S.M. Iftekhar Ahmed
Negligence at its worst! It just shows the condition of healthcare system in the rural areas. This man deserves exemplary punishment.