Ask Away to Mim
Artistes -- be on TV, concert stages or through their artwork -- reach out to us and become our favourite people, without any personal connection whatsoever. We know them through their volume of work, and the signature things that make them special. How often is it that we have wondered what these favourite personalities are behind what we see on the screen and on stage? We all have questions we want to ask them.
Star Arts & Entertainment brings you the golden opportunity to ask your favourite personalities from the cultural fraternity questions you have always wanted to. Every month in 2016, one celebrity will take on your questions, and the best questions and their answers will be published on The Daily Star.
Bidya Sinha Mim, the beauty queen turned actress who is taking the silver screens by storm after conquering the modeling biz and TV, is the first featured artiste. Ask your questions away -- via email, along with your name, location and occupation, to [email protected] by 5pm on December 28. Keep your questions short and interesting to maximize your chances of getting published!