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       Volume 10 |Issue 17 | April 29, 2011 |


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 Writing the Wrong
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"BNP should take it positively and join the talks, as it is only a discussion. They will not sign any stamp paper in the discussion. They should say where they want the amendments to be made and where they don't."
Professor, Dhaka University
about BNP's accepting the invitation of the parliamentary special committee on constitution amendment and giving their opinions in a discussion.

"The longer we delay, the more likely it is there is a stalemate. And if you're worried about Al-Qaeda entering into this fight, nothing would bring Al-Qaeda in more rapidly and more dangerously than a stalemate."
US Senator
about Washington increasing its air strikes on Libya, warning a prolonged stalemate would likely draw Al-Qaeda into the conflict.

"I ask Sheikh Hasina to get ready for a similar consequence."
Chairman of a faction of Islami Oikya Jote (ioj)
about the incident of his son going ‘missing’.

"Restructuring of SEC is extremely difficult... The stockmarket has reached such a stage that it is impossible for a person to sit there and learn the subtleties of the market regulations."
Finance Minister
about the difficulty of finding competent persons for restructuring the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

"You can make powder from crickets that is very rich in protein. It's low in fat and it can be added to biscuits in problem areas where food rations are distributed. When you look closely, a grey shrimp or a cricket, it has the same appeal."
The Laos representative of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
about solving the global malnutrition problem by consuming insects for protein.

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