
<%-- Page Title--%> Books <%-- End Page Title--%>

<%-- Volume Number --%> Vol 1 Num 132 <%-- End Volume Number --%>

December 5, 2003

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Its Travel Time!

Sanyat Sattar

Winter is nearing and its surely is the perfect time to travel around Bangladesh. These travel maps and guides might be of some use to those who are interested to discover exotic new places of this beautiful alluvial plain and its neighbour.


International Travel Maps: Bangladesh
By International Travel Maps & Books
ITMB Publishing; January 2003
ISBN: 1553411269


ITMB Publishing (International Travel Maps and Books) of Vancouver, Canada, has published detailed reference and travel maps of countries, regions, and cities around the world since 1985. This travel guide includes map of the country and portions of its neighbours with elevations shown by color changes. Legend locates international and provincial boundaries; settlements from major cities to smaller cities; roads (with distances in kilometers)--from primary to tracks, railways, bus stations, ferries, airports, parks, forests, beaches, camping ground, hotels, temples and mosques, points of interest, museums, hospitals, post offices-- everything. Travellers will surely find this edition hads if they intend to travel extensively through Bangladesh.




Explore the Nelles Maps: Northeastern India & Bangladesh
By Nelles Maps
Nelles Maps; January 2002
ISBN: 388618692X



This is an up-to-date, detailed, highly readable relief map with major roads and point-to-point distances clearly indicated. Here tourist information of both India and Bangladesh is provided. Legend features include archaeological sites, places of interest, mountain peaks and passes, beaches, railways, and hotels. The pictures featured in to this volume are superb.






India and Bangladesh Road Atlas
By Lonely Planet Publications
Lonely Planet; October 2001
ISBN: 1740590198

Whether you're heading to the majestic Taj Mahal, lazing on Cox's Bazar beaches or braving the rugged heights of the north, this indispensable Road Atlas will guide you around the entire Indian Subcontinent. Thoroughly researched by Lonely Planet authors, the "India & Bangladesh Road Atlas" will enhance your travels by car, bus or train and is the perfect companion to everybody.



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