Fusion Terminal – Bottling our local heritage

Bilimbi is a fruit unknown to many Bangladeshis; the same goes for jara lebu — a Sylheti citrus. Both these find a new avatar, along with local tomatoes, being transformed into sundried ones, coming together in a unique set of pickles from the house of Fusion Terminal.

Work from home bowls

Fried potatoes don’t always have to mean chips, but this bowl brings in cheese and chips in a new combo avatar.

the fearless olive / Post-Eid table spread

Eid maybe over, but the mood for festivities certainly isn’t.

Father’s Day recipes

So, to those of you lucky enough to have your fathers around, please take some time out and prepare something this Fathers' Day. And to all the fathers, have an amazing day!

the fearless olive / Office lunches from around the world

I rallied around with friends spread across the globe and requested (read pleaded/hounded) them to send me images of the food they ate at lunch in office, offering a unique glimpse into their food cultures and traditions.

the fearless olive / Fabulous February

As we approach spring, while still enjoying the pleasant weather, here are some recipes to give you a diverse mix of foods that celebrate the changing seasons. From the Philippines and Greece to The Fearless Olive’s humble kitchen, these recipes are easy to make; add a dash of love for food, and you have an impressive spread this February.

the fearless olive / Cleansing Diet

The season has hit us in all its vibrant glory, and as we wedding hop our way around the city, navigating through the snaking traffic lines and hoping the venue will not be too cold and chill us to the bone, please let me help you choose some cleansing recipes to help combat all the grease and excessiveness of the weddings and the dawats that follow.

the fearless olive / Sri Lanka — Ayobowan (welcome)

A teardrop in the ocean, Sri Lanka is known for many things, like its tea, and for us South East Asians, its cricket. However, one of the last things to be expected is the amazing diversity of its people.

Timeless cuisines for the month of Baishakhi

Baishakh is the one celebration bringing all us Bengalis together, and the fearless Olive in Greece celebrated the day in spirit as well. Although Pahela Baishakh is just a renewal of business transactions and closing accounts, for the rest of the nation it is madness beyond belief and a celebration that is unparalleled.

Have a Fearless Women's Day

As we entered the new year buoyed by the #metoo campaign and a renewed sense of awareness regarding women's rights in the work place, allow me to bring you some recipes that you can enjoy with your girl friends as you plan and plot to rule your world and assert yourself! Here's to more equal opportunities and no extra kilograms, regardless of what you eat! ladies, have a Fearless 2018 and may everyday be one for women!

The Olive Harvest in Crete, Greece

As winter approaches, the Greeks start preparing for the olive harvest season. With the third highest production worldwide, more than 80% of which is extra virgin olive oil, harvesting this fruit is still very much a family affair for many Greeks.

A delectable mix

The year began with a cold wave that made us all want to curl up into a ball and stay hidden under the warmth of our blankets. It also left most of us sniffling and coughing with the seasonal flu.

A winter's tale of warm desserts!

With Christmas around the corner and wedding sea son in full swing, it's that time of year when the eve nings get cooler and the

Cheers to the newlyweds

Give me a sun, I care not how hot, and sherbet, I care not how cool, and my Heaven is as easily made as your Persian's.

Pumpkins galore

An ancient Celtic festival, a goddess of gardens and fruits, and a mixture of many rituals over the centuries leaves us celebrating the macabre on the last day of October.

'Bhuribhoj' on Durga Puja

Bengali Hindu households respond to 'mayer dak' as Durga Puja arrives in all its splendour and people prepare for this autumn festival of welcoming the mother home.

Greek bovine delicacies

The Venetians are credited for bringing in the stifado when they came to rule Greece around the 13th century CE and the dish is full of… onions. Tiny ones, but just load it up with them!

The Exotic Cretan Menu on Eid

As I sit writing this article on the Greek island of Crete, the song of the cicadas serenades me and I think of Dhaka and the festival of sacrifice just around the corner. Goat meat is high on every Cretan menu so I take this opportunity to share some Greek meat dishes and one from across the border in Turkey. Eat healthy and may your bellies be filled with good food and your hearts with the best wishes of loves ones.

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