

Painless period pointer: Period patches are your new must-haves!

Menstrual cramp patches, known as period pain relief patches are your new best friend during our dreaded week. When our least favourite uninvited guest Aunt Flo pays her visit, we can be prepared to deal with her unnecessary tantrums.

2d ago

Things you can do to protect your electronics during a storm

Thunderstorms, lightning, and heavy rainfall can be unpredictable. You never know when thunder will strike close to you and leave you with damages, especially to your electronic devices. They often require safety measures and precautions become more imperative during inclement weather. Here are 3 things you can do to ensure protection for your electronics.

4d ago

Don't fall behind! 5 things everyone must do in their 20s

The twenties can be a confusing time for most people. Adulting is a fairly new concept for them and you end up having to make decisions that you did not think you would have to, ever! Here are 5 things that everyone in their 20s must do to make their lives slightly easier.

6d ago

How many is too many? Finding your side hustle sweet spot

How many side hustles are you able to sustain before you start feeling a little too preoccupied?

1w ago

Say thank you before eating! 5 Japanese dining etiquettes will blow your mind

Every country in the world has their own cuisine and their etiquettes defined by their culture. Japan is no different. With their delectable cuisine on the table, it’s hard to focus on something else. Nevertheless, one must not forget about the dining etiquettes.

2w ago

What do your pets need during stormy weather?

You may have noticed that during stormy weather, thunder, and lightning, cats and/or dogs behave differently, like hiding in concealed spaces, shivering and hissing, and showing restless movement.

2w ago

How to welcome Gen Z in the workplace

From values, work ethics, and communication styles, to even their appearance, Gen Z see things from a different perspective. Given how workplaces are beginning to be more immersed in the Gen Z experience and how they are the future, it is a good idea to be acquainted with their distinct characteristics so that we can develop a better understanding, collaborate better, and make the most of their immense potential.

3w ago

Embracing change: Moving on from one phase of life to the next

Life is like one long rollercoaster ride, comprising of ups and downs and twists and turns. Life is simply just a series of phases; some happy, some frustrating, some upsetting. One second life can be full of joy and excitement, and the next can feel like walking on a tightrope with no harness. But what really happens after a phase has passed you by?

3w ago

Money saving tips you can use this Ramadan

Navigating these precarious financial waters may seem daunting, yet with careful expenditure and thoughtful strategies, even saving during this holy month is totally doable. With that said, here are some practical ways on how you can potentially save during this Ramadan.

2m ago

Planning to quit smoking this Ramadan? Let us help you with 7 basic tips

The holy month is here, marked by fasting, prayer, reflection, and self-discipline. While observing self-restraint, one can align with the spiritual goals of the time and combine to nurture good health practices. Nicotine addiction is both physical and psychological and while quitting smoking can be tough, with the right habits and strategies you can give up smoking for good.

2m ago

Embrace the essence of Ramadan: Making Taraweeh a success

The month of Ramadan is sacred and the Taraweeh (also spelled Tarabi) prayer is particularly blessed. While it can also be read at home, many Muslims make it a point to visit the mosque and offer the prayers in congregation.

2m ago

Excelling at work during Ramadan: 9 Simple steps that can help

This guide delves into practical tips and proven techniques to maintain productivity at work while maintaining the spirituality of the blessed month of Ramadan.

2m ago

Pro tips for better dishwashing during Ramadan

After a day of fasting, fatigue often sets in, and the task of washing dishes can feel burdensome, particularly following a satisfying iftar. The dishwashing exercise can easily spiral out of control during iftar parties as you cater for a large number of guests.

2m ago

Knowing your social media etiquettes

Understanding the unwritten standards of social media etiquette has become an essential need in the ever-connected world that is the internet, where virtual interactions have become a fundamental part of our everyday lives.

2m ago

Embrace your professional jealousy: Turning envy into motivation

Jealousy is an emotion that none of us are immune to. Professional jealousy is something that everyone will feel, probably at multiple times during their careers. When you get to know that your friends are advancing in their careers and achieving milestones that you wanted to achieve for a while now, it’s only human to feel a tad bit of jealousy in that situation.

2m ago

Reconnect with life: The importance of digital detox

As crucial as our devices are for us to get by, it is equally crucial to spend time away from them and focus on ourselves and people around us.

2m ago

Timing is everything: Knowing when to pursue further education

The choice to continue your education is a crucial one in the dynamic world of professional advancement and personal growth. Investing money into one's education can pay off greatly in both personal and professional life.

2m ago

Minimising fire hazards in the home

Fire hazards remain one of the most underemphasised and silent menaces of modern living. And while recent tragedies have left us all reeling in shock and disbelief, many remain unaware of the appropriate measures that need to be taken to prevent fire breakouts in the home, or the protocols to follow if such a fire does break out. It is high time we take the following vital steps to minimise fire hazards in our homes.

3m ago
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